Freitag, 7. Juni 2024

Low Entropy's Producer Q&A: Do I think it's okay when people masturbate to my music?

For this article, we're having guest author Low Entropy over here in our magazine.

Hello friends and strangers,
It's another round of my producer's Q&A.
For this time, I want to focus on a quite special topic:

Last year, a rather unusual feedback regarding my music reached me:
A fan told me he got "addicted" to 'touching himself' while listening to my tracks; and he turned it into a little ritual where he would "overdub" movies of an explicit nature with my sound and then go on a very private session.
(It should be noted, it was not just my tracks that had this effect on him; but he noted my tracks are amongst those that 'worked best' for this purpose).

So, what do I think of this? How did it made me feel to be the recipient of such "candid" details?
Well, what I think and feel is that when it comes to topics of sexuality, the discourse in western society is often rather childish and silly. Let's try to have a more mature, rational take on this.

I don't think these "incidents" are related to any kind of attraction or "horniness" towards me or my music, maybe not even related to "sexuality" as it is understood by the laymen.

Due to my very personal history, the main theme of music has always been "healing": the healing of issues on a mental or emotional level, helping to cope with traumas or inner conflicts, and generally liberation and empowerment of the mind and the psyche (I make no claim that I'm always successful at that, though!).

Now, the reproductive system, and sexuality in general, are a huge part of a person's health, no matter if man, woman, or any other gender (or even agender). This is all very natural.
Reproductive and sexual well-being is just as much an important issue as well-being of one's digestive system, heart, lungs, and so on (maybe even more important).

So, I think what happened is that my tracks maybe helped undo / fix a mental blockade, that in turn led to this sexual improvement.
My music is about *release* after all, release of pent-up emotions such as anger, frustration, fury, sadness, melancholy. This release is often joined with a physical activity, such as intensive dancing in a club.
Now if my music leads to a release of pent-up emotions of a sexual nature, and is accompanied by a very special "physical movement", this is all fine with me. please go for it.

If someone went to a "real doctor" because of an issue regarding the reproductive system, the doctor tries to fix in, and in a follow up the person told him that sex / pleasure has improved by a lot now, this would not be weird or strange or unusual either, but part of the doctor's profession.

Thus, such "unusual" feedback does make me feel uneasy or uncomfortable.

Masturbation is good and healthy, and if my music is a help there, then this is all the better.

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